
Showing posts from August, 2018

Self-Discipline Is the Key to Freedom

If you have been to bet how commonly the average character tries earlier than giving up, what would be your bet? 1, 2, or 3 times? The majority of people surrender before they even attempt. They spend so much time intention setting and preparing, that they forget the most critical a part of the plan: discipline. The biggest false impression approximately field is it's far something you have. Actually, the area is something you do. In your commercial enterprise, discipline is shedding habits that preserve your commercial enterprises returned, such as immoderate time on social media and fact television; and constructing up behavior that carries you towards success, including private development, prospecting, and income. Strengthening your self-discipline can be in comparison to building up a robust accept as true with the fund for your future. How some distance are you willing to head to accumulate that agree with the fund? Self-Discipline is a Skill Self-Discipline is not a ...

Should I go to uni?

I haven't posted on my blog in a while, there is no particular reason as to why except for time. However, at the moment, it feels like the right time to post again. Post A-Levels, I have a question which I keep asking myself and I can only guess that there are thousands of other people asking themselves as well. The challenge is, I cant answer the question, because I have not been to university and therefore do not know whether or not it is the 'right' thing, I don't know if I will enjoy it, I don't know if I 'need' to go because I don't really know my career path, so with this question comes many unknowns. The unknown is scary. Sometimes, we have to try to look into the future to make our decisions, but sometimes it is ok to focus on now and only now. I think I have been trying to answer this question by thinking of the future, and what will happen next. When in reality, maybe it is best to consider now. Do I want to study? Do I enjoy X subject? Am I re...

A Constellation of Quotes for the Innovators

Radical innovation rarely comes from incumbents (Laurent Haug). No candle maker has become a bulb manufacturer, no carriage maker has become a car producer and the post office did not invent the email (Marc Giget). Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can praise them, disagree with them, quote them, disbelieve them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They invent. They imagine. They heal. They explore. They create. They inspire. They push the human race forward. Maybe they have to be crazy. How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art? Or sit in silence and hear a song that’s never been written? Or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels? While some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the peop...

Love Yours

Life is a journey, life is the journey. The journey starts with life, the journey gives life.  Every great journey has its Twists and Turns, its Peaks and Valleys, its Yays and Nays - real and illusionary. We are designed to enjoy each moment of this journey, as each moment prepares us for the next. Pretty simple, yet pretty hard. There is always something in the past, future or in the lives of others that eclipses our present moment. Filling our days with desires for what is not and ignoring what is, until it is not. J. Cole puts it crisply in Love yourz - “...But you ain't never gon' be happy till you love yours, No such thing as a life that's better than yours...” “The fundamental delusion - there is something out there that will make me happy and fulfilled forever.” - Naval Ravikant All you need is here, now. Love yours. - Osasu Oviawe

How To Report Workplace Harassment If You Don't Have An HR Department

How can employees deal with issues and problems when there is no Human Resources staff to confide in and seek help or assistance in addressing common problems. Is it even legal for a retail store not to have an HR department? These questions were asked by a reader and, as often is the case, you may seek these answers, too.  Problems With Not Providing HR in an Organization It's certainly possible and more common than it should be for companies of any sort to reach 50 employees with no dedicated HR person. And, unfortunately, many companies that do begin to have HR at about that stage, do so by saying, “Hey, Jane, you're now in charge of HR.” Jane became in charge of HR usually because she was already performing some HR functions such as paying employees, often from the finance department. Jane has no real training in HR, but she says, “What the heck, this is easy enough. Hiring, firing. Got it.” HR does far more than that, but without an experienced person on board, it's to...

Random thoughts on random days in random houses

External tokens of success massage your ego, but ego is the first to desert you in the end. People that require you to have more tokens in order to value you, do not matter. Most of the people you meet did not matter in the beginning, and surely will not matter in the end. They are the noise that train you to appreciate serenity. In the end, no one knows the end. The fire in the hearts of men, sends smoke to their brains, clouding judgment. The nobler the passion, the lighter the cloud. Unhappiness is usually birthed by comparison. You can’t change your circumstances, and, you can change your circumstances. Both hold true at the same time. Archers know that farther targets require higher aims. Man designs his cage and rewards himself for liberation efforts. What is really important to you? Create time for it now. Create time for it daily. Daily processes (and tasks) compound into habits. Habits are pointers to destiny. - Osasu Oviawe

Wake-Up Alarms

The interesting thing about alarm clocks is that you already know whether the clock will get you out of bed in the morning or just become a transition device from deep sleep to snoozing. It is not the alarm that wakes us up. It is not what lies ahead of our day. It is not what happened the previous day. It is not what happened that night. It is our priority, our choice. I have had days where I turned the snooze button to an endless loop of dissatisfaction. Never really feeling refreshed after forty winks. I have had days where I did not even bother to turn off the alarm. I just continued in deep sleep. Too tired to be bothered. I have had days where I woke up before my alarm. Alive and lively, already plugged in to game time mode. I have had days where I turned off the alarm before going to bed. Giving free rein to my body’s clock. Getting up immediately I am up and starting the day.  Wake-up alarms do not wake us up. They are a signal. You choose whether to take the sign or ignore...

10 Things to Know Before Trying the Mediterranean Diet

Consistently close to the highest point of the U.S. News and World Report's yearly Best Diets records, the Mediterranean eating routine is known for its heart medical advantages and spotlight on angle, olive oil and red wine. Also, despite the fact that scientists of the historic point think about on the eating routine as of late re-distributed their discoveries subsequent to finding blemishes in the first investigation, the determinations still recommend an association between the eating regimen and heart wellbeing. All things considered, it may not be the correct eating regimen for everybody. This is what enrolled dietitians say you should know in regards to the Mediterranean eating regimen. 1 THERE ARE SEVERAL HEALTH BENEFITS Research partners eating a Mediterranean eating regimen with lessened danger of coronary illness, certain malignancies, diabetes and dementia. READ MORE: The 11 Most Common Weight-Loss Blunders Dietitians See 2 IT'S MORE OF A LIFESTYLE THAN A DIET ...

6 Exercises Everyone Should Do

Regardless of your age or saw capacity, there are sure activities that have fantastic advantages for each body. These useful quality activities impersonate developments in our day by day lives and help reinforce our center, made up of our stomach divider, back and hips. Building up a solid center helps with appropriate postural arrangement, diminishes weight on your back and knees and makes ordinary exercises less demanding. To guarantee safe execution, we have furnished varieties of each activity with comparing movements once you have aced a development. Begin with 8 redundancies of each activity, working your way up to 12-15 reps (except if generally expressed). SQUAT Muscles worked: quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteals, erector spinae Why: The squat is a compound development that uses different muscle gatherings to enhance adjust and strength. The activity makes solid, adaptable hips to sit and remain without distress or help and focuses on the gluteal and quadricep muscles to help dimi...

Can You Guess the Best Workout for Anti-Aging?

We can't deny it: Your body responds to each extra flame on your birthday cake. As you age, your cell work diminishes, bones lose thickness, joints hint at wear and muscle tissue and quality reduction while muscle to fat ratio increments. You probably won't have the capacity to get back to former days, however you can moderate the impacts of maturing on your body through exercise. "Both quality and power preparing are fundamentally vital as we age," says Alice Bell, PT, DPT, a representative for the American Physical Therapy Association. "With a specific end goal to viably deal with the effect of maturing on muscle quality and power, it is basic to fuse high-force quality preparing into your movement regimen." WHAT IS THE BEST ANTI-AGING EXERCISE? New research demonstrates that specific types of activity have the most significant hostile to maturing impacts. An examination, distributed in the diary Cell Metabolism, relegated members in two age bunches — 18– ...

8 Foods That Are Surprisingly Good for Weight Loss

Shedding pounds doesn't generally need to be about hardship and dissent. Truth be told, it shouldn't be. Fruitful, maintainable weight reduction is much more feasible when you center around the nature of nourishment as opposed to the amount. Eat healthy, nutritious, (and even calorie-filled) sustenances and you'll be unmistakably fulfilled and content on less. A large number of the sustenances individuals believe are beyond reach with regards to getting thinner are the plain nourishments that can really enable us to achieve our objective. Here are eight sustenances that can't just enable you to achieve your weight reduction objective, however enable you to keep it off for good. Drink skim and remain thin? Not generally so with regards to dairy. An ongoing report distributed in the American Journal of Nutrition found that in excess of 18,000 ladies who devoured more higher-fat and entire drain dairy items had a lower danger of being overweight. By what method would this ...

Which is More Important: The Warmup or Cooldown?

We’ve all done it at some point or another: We think we can save precious time by jumping right into our workout without warming up first and then, once we’ve finished, count our post-workout shower as a cooldown. After all, we’re too busy to bother, right? Wrong. If you want to get an effective workout, you need to take some time to prepare your body for the work and then cool it down once the workout is over. Still, you may be wondering: Do I really need to do both? Can’t I just prioritize one over the other and save some time? Two experts weigh-in. “Both [the warmup and the cooldown] are really underrated,” says Michael Piercy, MS, certified strength and conditioning specialist, IDEA personal trainer of the year 2017 and owner of The LAB in Fairfield, New Jersey. “I wouldn’t be able to get one precedence over the other.” That said, the warmup may be slightly more important, especially as far as injury prevention is concerned. READ MORE: 6 Exercises Everyone Should Do WHY WARM UP War...

Should I Do Full-Body Workouts or Break it up by Body Part?

When it comes to lifting weights in the gym, it’s important to have a workout plan that helps you achieve the results you’re looking for — not a general plan made for literally anyone. Of the many ways to organize your workouts, two of the most popular methods are “full-body workouts” and “body-part splits.” But what exactly does each one mean and what’s the right choice for you? The short answer: It depends on your goals. The long answer: There are benefits and drawbacks to each one, and there could be a “right” choice for you, depending on your ultimate desires. Once you choose the correct approach, your results will follow. FULL-BODY WORKOUTS Full-body workouts target many different muscle groups at once, usually everything from head to toe. In order to avoid training the same areas over and over again (which could cause overtraining), full-body workouts are often separated into “push” and “pull” days, which target the front of your body one day and the rear of your body on another ...

Everything You Need to Know About Tabata Training

Beyond learning a seemingly endless variety of exercises, equipment and machines, working out comes with its own language. You’ve got supersets, HIIT, isolations, negatives, plyometrics and dozens more terms, each with its own specific definition that, while not necessary to memorize, can really come in handy when navigating the gym. We can add “Tabata” to that list. For the uninitiated, it’s just another word to get to know (we’ll explain in a moment), but if you’ve ever performed high-intensity intervals or attended a circuit-training class, chances are good you’re already familiar — even if you didn’t realize it. Tabata is named for Dr. Izumi Tabata. Along with a team of researchers at the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo, the good doctor developed a timed-interval method for exercising that alternated between 20 seconds of intense activity and 10 seconds of rest. Their research showed high-intensity intervals performed over a short duration — in this case, a mere 4...

The Big Dangers of Belly Fat

Many people want to whittle their midsections to look better and fit into that next-size-down pair of pants. But reducing belly fat brings many more benefits than just aesthetics — you could be significantly reducing your health risks. Although getting to, and maintaining, a healthy weight is important for a number of reasons, belly fat reduction is particularly crucial. BELLY FAT CULPRITS The major contributor causing your belly to get more abundant than you’d like is what you eat, says Dr. David Ludwig, a professor of nutrition at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Sugary food, including highly processed fare, can cause a blood-sugar spike that triggers an insulin release throughout the body. Over time, that creates the need for this energy to get stored if it’s not used — and the body’s favorite storage area is the belly. Fat around your midsection can also get stored due to high levels of cortisol, the hormone responsible for your stress response. Getting too little sle...

ANDs and ORs

We are always forced to believe that the choices we face come with the dilemma of the “OR”. You are either chasing market share or profitability. You are either making profits or losses. You are either a success or a failure. You are either engaged or disengaged. You are either good or bad. We are constantly faced with the binary choice of 0 or 1. Asked to take a side. Required to defend that side. Destined to die on that side. Never living the whole. This is why I love the concept of “Strong opinions, weakly held”. You can chase market share and profitability. You are leading. You can be making profits and losses. You are innovating. You can be a success and a failure. You are growing. You can be engaged and disengaged. You are thinking. You can be good and bad. You are human. It is in the ANDs of life that your genius is born. You can even have ANDs and ORs.  No one should limit your ANDs. - Osasu Oviawe

How To Fight Less and Love More In Your Relationship

How are you addressing problems in your relationship? Loving each other more is far better than fighting with each other. As a relationship counselor, I strongly advocate for acts that create connection, support and overall improvements to the relationships. One of my favorite strategies to share with couples that I work with is reflective growth. Reflective growth means that you are diving into a past experience to find ways grow from it. It’s not the same concept as rehashing the past. What we are doing here is engaging in a specific process that allows partners to understand how to have a completely different experience in the future. The experience will allow you to pinpoint the internal and external issues that triggered the situation to escalate. Internal issues could be something that may have taken place on a personal level. Such as feeling overly tired, while external pertains to an impact from something like work stress. Often the internal and external triggers are needed to ...

Counseling Teens and Parents about Marijuana

A common concern that parents seek support for is how to discuss marijuana usage with their teen. As a teen counselor, I hold summer teen therapy groups that help teens decrease and eliminate drug use while also improving self-esteem, depression, anxiety, and self-confidence. Parents can support their teen by engaging in the following: Practice understanding. This means taking time to engage in open dialogue with your teen versus engaging in accusations or statements that are attacking. Create clear boundaries with your teen. Boundaries depend on what your household expectations are. Overall, the goal is to be clear and direct with your teen with respect to the usage of marijuana. Provide education on consequences and impact of marijuana use. As a teen counselor, I spend sessions discussing mental health implications that can lead to sadness, dependency, lethargy, irritable mood, oversleeping, or irregular changes in appetite. Health implications. Your child’s marijuana use can further...

How To Create The Best Relationship

Every successful relationship needs a code word that screams compassion and respect. A code word helps couples gain control over their emotions and practice empathy versus hurting each other. The more couples use the code word, the less frequent the unhealthy conversations took place. Each person develops self-control because of a powerful code word. Each person began to understand just how destructive the relationship was becoming. Like positive habits and changes in life, the code word created a system that allowed for a healthier relationship to take place. If you are struggling with having “healthy conversations” in your relationship, consider implementing a code word. Try it out. See what happens. Listening runs parallel with healthy conversations. Listening is an extremely difficult skill to master. It requires that one put aside their lecturing focus and intently focus on what the other person is saying, feeling, and presenting. It requires that one does not think of what they w...

7 Women On The Biggest Lesson They Learned From Their First Relationship

A friend went through a particularly hard breakup recently and one thing I said seemed to really resonate. I reminded her that every relationship teaches us something and, if we listen, those lessons inform our following relationships. And if that theory works out in practice, that means that each relationship is better than the last until we (hopefully) find someone we fit with for the long term. I know that’s kind of a Pollyanna view on relationships — and I know it doesn’t always work out that neatly. But, 1) I’m an eternal optimist and, 2) even if doesn’t work out so neatly, you can always take a lesson or two from each relationship. Maybe it’s the fact that you need a partner who’s more assertive or you have a tendency to get lost in relationships. Maybe it’s that you need someone whose ethics align more closely with yours. Dating is about learning these things about ourselves so that we can find the best fit. And that first relationship? The first one is a doozie. First relations...

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