
Showing posts from June, 2018

Self-Discipline Is the Key to Freedom

If you have been to bet how commonly the average character tries earlier than giving up, what would be your bet? 1, 2, or 3 times? The majority of people surrender before they even attempt. They spend so much time intention setting and preparing, that they forget the most critical a part of the plan: discipline. The biggest false impression approximately field is it's far something you have. Actually, the area is something you do. In your commercial enterprise, discipline is shedding habits that preserve your commercial enterprises returned, such as immoderate time on social media and fact television; and constructing up behavior that carries you towards success, including private development, prospecting, and income. Strengthening your self-discipline can be in comparison to building up a robust accept as true with the fund for your future. How some distance are you willing to head to accumulate that agree with the fund? Self-Discipline is a Skill Self-Discipline is not a ...


When you go to the theatre, curtains are used to: Separate the auditorium from the stage, Act as a backdrop, Decorate. When you go to a home, curtains are used for: Light and air control, Privacy, Decoration.  In a theatre, the audience, guests or visitors are treated to the front side of the curtain (beautiful view), while the performers soak in the back side of the curtain (ugly view), until they are allowed in. Very few guests are allowed in, to see the backstage. It is usually reserved for those that are enchanted by the performer. In a home, the crowd, guests or visitors can only view the back side of the curtain (ugly view), while the owners soak in the front side of the curtain (beautiful view), until they are allowed in. Very few guests are allowed in, to appreciate the home. It is usually reserved for those that are trusted by the owner.    Curtains of a theatre – Externally motivated. Look good. Drive fast. Live large. Travel in front. Party hard. Bright lights....

Investment advice

Investment advice is readily available and easily accessible. The reason we struggle financially is not due to lack of financial knowledge, but a lack of financial discipleship. Wealth building is simple, but humans have a knack for making simple things complicated because of the need to look like it requires genius to do the most mundane activities. The first step is to actively take care of your health. To stay healthy, ingest just enough for your activity level and use your largest organ to expend as much waste as possible - sweat more. No matter how much wealth you build, ill health can undermine it all. Never forget. The second step is to live on less than you earn. Less is more, without compromising your health. The starting point is to earn. Once you have an earning, there is no excuse you should accept on why you cannot live on less. The third step is to invest the excess in what you understand, not what is trending. What you understand, is not what you think you understand, bu...


Interestingly, a secret of life is the nothingness of life. Those that have come to understand when and how to use nothing, have been disproportionately rewarded. Let's go a little deeper. In health, what and when not to eat is just as important as what and when to eat. In investments, buying is followed by a long “do nothing” phase, if you expect compounding to be on your side. In parenting, the times you stay out of the way and allow growth through some difficulty, is important for character building. In music, nothing between notes can determine the difference between classics and fads. In relationships, the periods of nothing reveals the hidden intents of the heart - worthy or unworthy. In tourism, people travel long distances to get away from everything familiar and experience a little bit of nothing. In life, the nothing we knew before birth is the nothing we will embrace after death. There is an art and a science to knowing when and how to do nothing, but it is so hard, be...


“Thirty spokes are joined together in a wheel,  but it is the center hole that allows the wheel to function. We mold clay into a pot,  but it is the emptiness inside that makes the vessel useful. We fashion wood for a house, but it is the emptiness inside that makes it livable. We work with the substantial, but the emptiness is what we use.” - Laozi Tao Te Ching 11 As a first step to organizing a place, we sort what exists and throw out what is no longer required. We create space. It is within that space that all else can be done.  The same applies in our lives. We must consciously work on creating space, before we can create. I am not asking you to apply Minimalism, but there is some value in understanding its central theme. Consciously reduce the clutter. Create periods of no busyness, periods of tranquility.  “Enlightenment is the space between your thoughts” - Eckhart Tolle Peace, be still. - Osasu Oviawe

What is coming?

It is difficult to hold back and watch those you love make mistakes on the learning journey. Nevertheless, it is what we must do. It is part of the learning and living journey. Sometimes, mistakes are required to make learning stick by presenting alternative choices, other times, mistakes throw open a new vista of opportunities. In our connected world, mistakes are getting more unforgivable, making the job of parents and leaders more crucial.  You can classify mistakes using any smart adjectives - genuine mistake, honest mistake, stupid mistake, careless mistake, beautiful mistake, lucky mistake, malicious mistake, mindless mistake, serendipitous mistake; but a mistake is a mis-take, you would have preferred to avoid it and your input never intended the consequences. The development of Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) will not make human learning easier, as machine learning increasingly makes human learning seem too slow and ineffective. Capitalism has always exterminated the sl...

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